I hydrate myself primarily with water which is really liquid gold for our bodies. On March 1st 2005 I gave up my addiction to diet Pepsi. At that time I was probably drinking up to 5 -6 cans a day. In fact I would drink a can of pop early in the morning. The reason was not caloric as there are no calories to speak of in diet Pepsi. My choice was a result of nagging stomach problems. I reviewed my diet and thought that the pop with all its additives including sugar substitute might be the cause. As well, the caffeine in the pop was probably dehydrating me. This was a toughie to for me give up as a I have drank pop for over 25 years but when you leverage that benefits of not drinking pop against effects on the body of the toxins and chemicals...it became a no brainer. Last year when there was nothing else to drink,I took a sip and was worried that I might like it enough to go back to drinking it, not so I hated it and didn't know how I was so addicted to it before.
There are articles to suggest that even when we reach for a sugary substitute product we still set ourselves up for real sugar cravings. I had read that I would lose weight by giving up the diet pop...this didn't happen for me. I am satisfied in knowing that by eliminating as many chemicals from my diet as possible that I am honouring the health of my body...this is reason enough for me. Live the word!
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