Baby steps...

The Chinese have a saying"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step". I can remember my choice to start walking on March 17th 1996. I was racked with mental torment about 300 pounds I was extremely self conscious about my weight. I thought that people were thinking "As if she thinks walking will help her shed that massive weight" or "Wow is she ever huge". So in this tormented stated of mind deciding to walk that first block was monumental. I had to in spite of my intense fear of what I thought others were thinking of me get myself out the door. You know the acronym for FEAR F=false E=events A=appear R=real. That first door is the toughest to push yourself through...but what an amazing adventure awaited me on the other side of that door. One block became two,three, four,...ten... and then miles. I came to know that I had every right to be out in public exercising and more importantly I worked on myself mentally saying that everyone I passed were cheering me on not leering at me.