Understanding the David and Goliath Battle Within

· Was a youth
· He had faith in God- having been saved by him before
· He understood the omnipotence of our Heavenly Father
· He was decisive once he understood the situation he took action knowing that God would give him what he needed to slay Goliath
· Saul wanted to equip him with battle gear David refused it again demonstrating his faith in God.

The 5 stones
1. Faith
2. Decisive
3. Winner’s attitude
4. Action
5. Service

David’s use of small stones reminds us that by faith great things are accomplished!

“The journey of one thousand miles begins with the first step.”
Chinese proverb

· Described as being 6 cubits approx. 9ft in height
· Heavy coat of mail
· Graves of brass on his legs
· Target of brass on his shoulders
· He carried a heavy spear
· He taunted the Israelites for 40 days

Goliath represents our fears, doubts and weaknesses that loom large in our minds.

We find ourselves at odds with ourselves when what we want out of life is different from what we are getting out of life.

A flurry of emotions ensues when we don’t take charge and lead our lives. Frustration, anger, boredom, depression, etc. This state often leads us away from God...looking for what I call the Popeye sololution. That's why the diet industry is a $51 billion money maker. We are looking for the magical cure when God is ready to bless us with a miracle. David knew that the armor King Saul wanted him to wear was no match for the armor of God. Learn this...with God nothing is impossible and everything is possible.
It is by following David’s example of understanding the situation and believing that with God nothing is impossible and that he will deliver us from our Goliaths.
Daily praying for strength
Acting upon the choices we make
Being of service to our fellow man

“The greatest battles of life are fought in the silent chambers of the soul.” David O. McKay